Becoming a mom has taught me so much about love, life, and.. what it means to have close to no time for myself. I’m kidding, kind of. Finding skin care products for busy moms isn’t always easy, but I managed to find them!
I mean, let’s face it, right now, the kids come first. We make their meals, we shuttle them to and from school, and 609 activities, and drop them off at their friends’ houses, and plan play dates, and color pictures, and kiss boo boos, and lose our minds when they don’t listen for 300th time (just me?? please, don’t let this just be me??).
And while I may be getting a little dramatic here, I really wouldn’t change it, even if I really do lose my mind at least once a day. (Just being real..). But that doesn’t mean I haven’t figured out a couple of ways to focus on *me* during the day.
4 skin care products for busy
I love that I have found a way to take care of my skin even through all of the busyness that comes with being a mom to 4 kids. These four products fit easily into my life, and are completely affordable. You’ll love the ease of the skin care regimen, and the fact that it doesn’t break the bank!
1. Noxzema
I absolutely love the smell and feel of my skin after I use Noxzema to wash my face. It takes me back to my younger years. If I have time in the morning it helps wake me up, and if I use it at night before bed, I feel clean and refreshed. On top of being a quick and easy product, it’s completely affordable!
2. Ponds Dry Skin Cream
My skin isn’t even particularly dry, but I love the way it feels after I use Pond’s Dry Skin Cream. I put it on right before bed because I don’t have dry skin. It takes me a couple of seconds, and I feel like it just lets my skin soak up the moisture so I don’t need anything the following morning.
3. St. Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub
You guys!! I keep this tube right in my shower, and I actually use it one my arms and legs, and of course my face. I love how smooth my skin feels after I use it. It really takes up no extra time since I just add to my shower time!
4. Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes
These facial wipes are the last part of my skin care regime, and maybe the thing I have fallen in love with the most. I stick a pack of these in my purse, or bag, and after the gym I wash my face before I run errands.
Yes, I run errands after the gym. Yes, I would LOVE to be able to run home, and grab a quick shower first. That only happens about 1 percent of the time. These facial wipes make me feel so much better the other 99 percent of the time!
(Doesn’t my face just scream- I love these wipes!!)
All of these skin care products can be purchased at Walmart which makes them even easier to get your hands on them.
Do you have a skin care regimen you follow?
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Love your photos! I can totally see how these products would be great for someone with a busy schedule (like a mom) because they are so simple and easy to use! Thanks for sharing!
thank you so much, brittany!! they really are simple and easy skin care options!