Nobody really likes to get unsolicited advice from someone who thinks they know it all. But, when it’s advice from other moms who may or may not be as big of a hot mess as I am, I’m all over whatever they have found helps them navigate this thing called motherhood. Last week, I polled moms from all over the world. They generously gave me their best words of wisdom, and I promised to keep their names out of this post. 😉 While you won’t necessarily find any of these in a book (maybe I should get on that…hmm…), they’re some of my favorites, and almost every one of them made me laugh out loud! I hope you all enjoy them as much as I did!
40 pieces of advice from moms
about parenting
*for your convenience, there may be affiliate links throughout this post, so you can easily find the things i am showing you. by using these links, your pricing stays the same, but i earn a small commission. you can see my full disclosure here
1. Crayons melt in the car during the summer. They also melt to the bottom of your purse, if you leave it in the car during the summer.
2. Burning scented candles in an effort to make your house smell clean, counts as actually cleaning your house.
3. Toothpaste cleans kool-aid mustaches.
4. Reverse psychology is a mysteriously effective form of communication.
5. Keep baby oil in the house to remove temporary tattoos.
6. The days our long, but the years are short
7. After you buckle your kids into the car in the morning, close the door, and soak in the moment of silence as you walk around the car and into the driver’s seat. It may be the quietest moment you have all day.
8. If you add milk to cereal, it makes it a totally legitimate dinner.
9. No one will judge you if you have a beer, and watch mindless television at the end of the night.
10. Take joy from the chaos. We can either laugh or cry when things get tough, and choosing laughter, even when you’re questioning your sanity, will make those moments shorter and maybe even a little funnier when you look back on them.
11. There WILL come a day when you sleep again.
12. If you smell poop it may not actually be in their diaper anymore
13. If you find a toy with chocolate on it, it’s best to assume it is not chocolate.
14. There is nothing wrong with using the word “no”-you may even choose to scream it if toddler turns into a ninja, and manages to figure out how to slither under a public bathroom while you’re mid pee.
15. If you pretend your child is a robot, you can pretty much “program” them to do anything you want—brush their teeth, clean their room. All you have to do is make beeping sounds.
16. Don’t worry about the vacuum or loud tv waking up your baby, but whatever you do, don’t sit down to eat or they’ll be up in no time
17. When you have boys, the bathroom ALWAYS smells like pee…even when it’s clean.
18. It is perfectly acceptable to catch your child’s throw up in your hands… Or pee or any other bodily fluid in order to save the couch, carpet or another sibling!19. Using a carpet scrubber to clean spilled bubbles, will only create MORE bubbles.
20. Kids are typically afraid of the automatic toilet flushers. Lay a piece of toilet paper over the sensor to keep the toilet from flushing as soon as your little one gets up.
21. You never really understand the strength of a good diaper until you’ve unloaded it from the washing machine….don’t go cheap!
22. Your kids will always act better for someone else than for you.
23. There is absolutely no reason to ever take your children shopping for clothes. There is nothing fun about it. You can get everything you ever wanted online.
24. Keep snacks in your purse, you won’t regret it.
25. Cosleeping with your children does not mean your children will be sleeping in your bed in their tween years
26. Nap time is sacred. Ain’t no shame in scheduling your entire day around that nap.
27. There is no point in spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on toys, your children will find a kitchen utensil, a box, or a hamper they love more than every one of their toys
28. If you’re going to brave watching tv while your kids are up, turn on the close caption- otherwise you will only catch every 5th word.
29. If you want your kids to look at the camera, and laugh, say the word “poop”. Works every time. You can try these other tips for capturing genuine smiles too!
30. As the saying goes…you’re only as happy as your least happy child. Live in the moment, and focus on the important things
31. Netflix and dvr are clutch. Worth every penny. (Here are some netflix series worth checking out AFTER the kids are in bed!)
32. Sometimes, the tooth fairy brings a gift for teeth that just happens to fall down on behind the bed, and can only be found by a parent after said parent visits their wallet in the morning after a devastated child wakes them in the morning. Also, when that happens, the tooth fairy may have left the tooth for the child to keep, just to be nice.
33. Regardless of the fact that your child has been playing quietly, sweetly, and independently for a solid 20 minutes, if you attempt to have a conversation with someone (on the phone or in person), she will suddenly have an hour long story to tell you. Of course, if you really need a minute to yourself, you can always try netflix series worth checking out AFTER the kids are in bed!
34. Invest in a tricycle or bike for your child that allows you to push from behind. Carrying it back from your fun walk, while dragging or also carrying a cranky, tired toddler will kill the mood
35. There are certain times in the day when it is perfectly acceptable to force your kids to play alone, or watch tv—morning coffee is one of those times. “Mom guilt” gets us every time.
36. Magic erasers, are in fact, magical. They are capable of taking permanent marker off of walls. However, they are also capable of destroying hardwood floors. Be careful where you use them.
37. Spaghettios are still a form of pasta. Don’t beat yourself up over dinner.
BUT if you’re looking for something quick to make here are some 15 minute dinners!
38. Don’t travel from one floor or room of your house to another with empty hands! There is always something that doesn’t belong there.
39. Be prepared to teach your kids EVERYTHING. I mean everything. This includes, but is not limited to, high chairs are not ladders, girls sit to use the potty, and common house flies are not pets!
40. “I love you” are three words that can melt any mama’s heart.
What do you think? Would you add any words of wisdom to the list? I could always use some more solicited advice. 😉
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Yes! I love these. Number #18 hit home hard- I’m glad I’m not alone. LOL